
Prologue: They say India isn’t for beginners. They’re so right. I’m sure in the past few months, multiple videos have come across your social media feed about this place. They may have enchanted you, outraged out, amazed you, disgusted you, or left you full of unanswered questions. These are all perfectly normal reactions because that IS India my friends. To be quite honest, that’s a description of life itself. The important thing is realizing that regardless of how you feel, India isn’t going anywhere. We are talking about the world’s most populated country with the largest diaspora community internationally. The world’s largest democracy, 3rd biggest economy, and 4th most powerful military. Considering all that, it might be worthwhile to know a bit more about it. So…what do you want to know about India? What do you need to know about India? To sum it up in one sentence, India is and always has been a place of extreme contradictions. Rich and poor. Modern and Ancient. A singular place comprised of polymorphic cultures across its 28 states. Each with its own language, cuisine, clothing, traditions, and attitudes. People come from all over the world to find spiritual bliss and peace in this utterly chaotic madhouse. The older I get, the more I think I understand this place, the more questions arise. You will recognize those contradictions throughout the length of this journey.........Continue Reading

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